What is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing? This term seems to be thrown around everywhere these days, but let's be honest, it sounds like such an abstract concept it is hard to understand what it means and what it does. After working in the digital marketing industry for over seven years, I have seen so many definitions--even marketers may have a hard time grasping what it means. Why is that? Why is it that digital marketing sounds and feels so confusing? Well, that is because it is a fairly new industry; it is growing and evolving so rapidly that new specializations are being created faster than in any other industry. Digital Marketing as a broad term, refers to online or internet marketing and advertising. It is how businesses, content creators, and other individuals endorse goods, services, and brands. Brand awareness and advertising are delivered through online platforms, such as Search Engines--Google, Safari, Yahoo, and Bing, just to name a few. It also encompasses social media (virtual pla...